Interested to learn about the hottest updates of the tech world?

Interested to learn about the hottest updates of the tech world?

Follow MONDRIAAN’s blog page, a platform combining recent news from the fields of technology, mobile development and engagement, Internet of Things, spiked with the expertise and data collected by our tech hub.

Follow MONDRIAAN’s blog page, a platform combining recent news from the fields of technology, mobile development and engagement, Internet of Things, spiked with the expertise and data collected by our tech hub.

Megjelent a Semmelweis HELP

Megjelent a Semmelweis HELP

Örömmel jelentjük be a Semmelweis HELP megjelenését, a kisgyermekes szülőknek szánt új mobil- és webalkalmazást, amelynek megálmodója, a több mint 250 éves Semmelweis Egyetem, a régió vezető orvosi...

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Semmelweis HELP is available

Semmelweis HELP is available

We are pleased to announce the release of Semmelweis HELP. The new mobile and web applications that are dedicated to parents with young children was commissioned by our partner: more than 250 years...

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Transformation for Silicon

Transformation for Silicon

Apple’s iOS14 release blow the fuse this year.
It is out for a week now, but the turmoil in developer circles is still in full swing. Many of apps faced unexpected crashes after the sudden iOS update. Here is our take on the matter!

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Apple’s iOS14 release blow the fuse this year.
It is out for a week now, but the turmoil in developer circles is still in full swing. Many of apps faced unexpected crashes after the sudden iOS update. Here is our take on the matter!

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